jeudi 11 décembre 2014

A Year of Learning about Us

M: Dibilangin cari pacar hahaha. Atau cuekin aja sih, entar juga males dia
L: Nah entu die nyang suseh, Pak. -.-" Aku juga mau deh, tapi sopo sing mau? -.-a (jangan jawab "Kak *******"  -____-")
M: Kalo aku bilang aku mau gimana?
L: Kalo aku bilang mau juga gimana?

vendredi 14 février 2014

I Despise That I Adore You, But My Heart Stops When You Look At Me

Must everything you do make me wanna smile?
Can I not like you for awhile?

What I'm going to write down probably aren't as sweet as candy canes and sugar puffs, but hell, I'm not much of a sweet tooth anyway. >:p
I know it may not be my place yet to say all these things about you, when I've only known you for less than a year. Maybe what I've been perceiving from you can change in a matter of weeks or even days, but I hope how you feel about me will always be the same as how I feel about you.
Just, don't get mad, okay? Keep on reading. 0:p

You have your own sense of humor which sometimes I can't quite comprehend. What you think as funny, can confuse me at times. Maybe because I don't understand how you think it's funny, or maybe because I don't see why you would laugh at those things.

There are times (only once in a while, though) when your jokes are just so corny, they make me sad. Like, when I read them, I feel sorry for you, because the jokes are just not that funny.

(Seriously, keep going. Don't complain just yet.)

You hate the things that shouldn't really be hated, and you favor the things that shouldn't really be favored.

You're afraid of things that I'm not afraid of, and you can't do some of the things that I can. I was like, "really? I thought a person like you wouldn't get scared of that kind of thing," or "you can't do that? Why am I so sad when you're the one who can't even do that..." (TT^TT)

There are times when you can get upset over the simple things. It's weird that you can be bothered by things that are so... I don't know, like, "you actually care about those stuff?" (o___O)a

Sometimes, it's not that easy for you to let go of your chagrin. Not even I can do anything about it.

But then, you can be so nonchalant at times. What doesn't give you any benefit, won't get any attention from you. You also can be a bit oblivious towards the impact of your actions or remarks on others.

You tease me in ways that can be so annoying. Like, seriously, urgh. >:#

Every so often, you are childish and silly. It often amazes me how someone your age can still be so ridiculous. (Hahaha, this totally makes you sound so old, doesn't it? >:p)

When we're sitting together, we don't always have much things to talk about..... Heck, we spend most of our time trying to think of a subject!

But even with all those things...

dimanche 2 juin 2013

Di Penghujung Penantian

Pertama gue ngetik post ini, masih hari Senin, 27 Mei 2013, jam 23.34. Jadi bisa lah ya dibilang pas dua bulan sejak gue terakhir kali nge-post.
FYI, my birthday turned out to be great, after all. Manusia-manusia gemblung kurangajar yang gue sebut sebagai temen-temen gue itu, sengaja bikin gue bete selama dua hari, sampe akhirnya mereka ngasih surprise yang sukses bikin gue nangis!
But I love you all, guys. ({})

Oke. Tadi intermezzo sedikit, maap. Sekarang, serius nih.
Tanggal 24 Mei, gue deg-degan nungguin website-nya 81 buat nampilin hasil kelulusan UN 2013. Udah bangun dari jam 8-an, nyoba buka site-nya, masih trolling geje gitu, belom bisa diakses. Begitu jam 10 lewat dikit, akhirnya bisa kebuka noh, dan...

mercredi 27 mars 2013

Happy Birthday, Me!

Not so much of a birthday this year.
I wish for the impossible, I guess.
Well, what was I expecting, anyway? It's not like I'm an important person in the first place.
But, fuck it, happy birthday, Me!

lundi 4 juin 2012

Dahell, Man.

Those words you said in the past are what now is keeping me from clicking the Accept button, and also the Decline button.
(One of) The problems that also cause this is, your sarcasm wasn't really that good, and didn't work really well, so you only looked like a rude person, not a person who was being sarcastic. You're not an expert yet, buddy.
But, ah well, people will eventually change, right? Maybe you'll get better...

lundi 23 janvier 2012

In the Middle of Everything, I Feel Like Falling Apart.

Wow, it's been a while, guys. *bersihinsawanglagi*

Yeah, kehidupan gue jadi kaco-jamet-ribet belakangan ini, dan gue ga bisa banyak cerita tentang semua itu disini karena terlalu beresiko, hahaha..
Akhirnya gue berpindah ke website yang gue buat gara-gara tugas TIK, gue menggila di sana, dan cuman 1 orang yang tau website gue itu selain gue sendiri, Pak Mujib (selaku guru TIK -__-") & Allah. (CAILAH BAHASA GUE WOY!)
Yap, dan kebanyakan dari apa yang gue ceritakan di sana, ada hubungannya dengan si orang yang tau website gue itu..

dimanche 23 octobre 2011

It's A Wrap!

Eh, demi segala-galanya yak, ini udah dua bulan kurang dua hari aja ga ada post baru di blog ini! *bersihinsawang*

Oke. Lanjut.
Ya ampun banget ya, selama seminggu ini gue udah kayak orang apaan tau, sibuknya gila banget gara-gara Sinematografi.. TT^TT

Tiap pulang sekolah pasti ngumpul lama banget ngebahas proyek film pendek pertama, sampe sekolah mau ditutup, pulang-pulang udah Maghrib, ga bisa tidur sore, huhuhuhuuuu...
Tiap malem, bukannya telponan & SMS-an sama pacar, malah sama si KeJam (Ketua Jamet), Radhiyan...
Tiap malem, sakit kepala mikirin technical stuff problems yang ga muncul-muncul juga solusinya, ato baru muncul mepet-mepet pas beneran dibutuhin...
Gila, rasanya sengsara banget, pingin cepet-cepet selese biar gue ga stres mulu tiap malem!

dimanche 10 juillet 2011

65 Things That A Man Should Do for His Woman

I re-blog this from Dessy's blog!
Dunno, this is, definitely, another random post out of boredom, so, yeah.

1. Run with her on the beach
(I actually prefer walk, rather than run, so, yeah. Capek lah, Nyet! Lo kira maraton?)

2. Give her your sweater when she's cold (Haha, pretty sweet thing to do, you know.. Some girls like the smell of their boyfriends' perfume.. *ngakaksendiri*)

3. Never talk about other girls in front of her (Kecuali kalo dia yang maksa. #Storyofmylife Kalo lo ga ada apa-apa sama cewek lain, lo ga mesti takut ato sungkan untuk cerita ke cewek lo kok! Remember, she's your better half, you really should trust her more, y'know..)

4. Learn to play guitar for her (Or piano! >w< Or, whatever. Tapi jangan setengah hati belajarnya, kalo emang itu bukan hal yang lo suka, cewek lo kaga bakal ngambek kok.. Yang ngambek gara-gara gini doang namanya lebay. Eh siapa juga yang mau ngambek gara-gara gini doang yak? Aneh aja lo, Lu.)

5. Comfort her when she's scared (It's a MUST! But in my case, hmm... Hahahaha!)

vendredi 8 juillet 2011

Kena Sial Bareng Temen? Lanjut Aje!

Tadi dong yaaaa, gue, Alya, Desti & Sterya ketemuan lagiiiiiiiiiiii, unyuuuuuuu!

Rencananya sih mau ketemuan lagi pas ulang tahun Alya kemaren, tapi karena Sterya ga bisa, jadilah kita ketemuan hari ini, di KFC Pangkalan Jati, ohohohoho..

Setelah kurang-lebih setahun kali ya, ga ketemu sama Sterya, ga ngumpul berempat lagi, akhirnya dateng juga kesempatan itu hari ini! Kita janjian jam 11 di sana, dan gue kira seperti biasa guelah yang bakal jadi orang paling telat datengnya, taunya mereka bertiga udah mulai ketularan gue dan gue justru nyampe duluan, uwaw, GUE BANGGA! Ahuahahahaha!
Gue nunggu kira-kira satu menit, terus keliatan Alya dateng dianter sama bokapnya. Abis itu kita masuk ke KFC, nunggu bentaran, Desti dateng deh. Abis itu nunggu lagi, Sterya dateng deh akhirnya! Uooooooh, paling kangen sama Steryaaaaaa, soalnya kan dia sendiri yang misah di 91.. :(

Abis itu kita cari tempat duduk yang lebih pewe, terus ngobrol-ngobrol bentar sebelum akhirnya mesen makanan.. Sambil makan, ada aja yang kita ceritain (sebenernya lebih banyak gue & Alya yang cerita, abis Sterya & Desti kita paksa cerita juga bingung mau nyeritain apa.. -___-''), mulai dari masalah sekolah, masalah cowok, sampe iklan TV pun kita omongin, ahuahahahahaha!

Dan disana terjadi beberapa insiden gawat. GAWAT. (lebay)

samedi 25 juin 2011

Being A Social-ite

Gue mesti bisa, harus bisa, dan pasti bisa bikin Papa & Mama, terutama Papa, bangga biarpun gue di IPS!
Papa & Mama AKAN bangga, PASTI BISA bangga, MESTI BISA bangga!
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrgghhh! *jambak rambut lari membabi buta pegang bambu runcing*