vendredi 17 septembre 2010

Holidays In Fun, And In Misery As Well.

Lama banget ga nge-post. The internet was being a complete bastard, and I just couldn't find any spare time to post something here.
Okay. Straight to the points. I'm gonna tell you about my holidays after that last Ramadhan.

Me & my family (Mama, Papa & Mas Bayu), well, four of us went to my Grandma's house in Klaten on September 11th
, at 3 in the morning, to be exact.
And we arrived there at 8.45 PM.
Pas nyampe, acara keluarga yang semestinya diadain hari Minggu, dipercepat jadi hari Sabtu. Which was the day we arrived.
Begitu nyampe, udah banyak tamu, dan kita mesti buru-buru ngerapihin diri biar bisa nyambut tamu, apalagi Papa disuruh ngebuka acara. Gah!

Malemnya, abis acara selese, malah mati lampu. Trus kita-kita yang pada masih kuat bangun malem (lebih tepatnya, ga bisa tidur tanpa AC & lampu), ngumpul di teras, sambil dengerin Om Bambang main gitar, diterangi lampu emergency doang. Mantep.

Besoknya, jam 8-an, udah bisa dibenerin, dan gue bangun dengan AC kamar yang menyala. Alhamdulillah.. Kalo pas tidur sih gue skut aja, tapi kalo sampe pas bangun belom nyala juga, itu baru ngebetein. Untung ga kayak gitu.

On Monday, I went to Jogja with my cousins, Sulung & Danang. (FYI, they're older than me, but still, they have to call me 'Mbak' and I have to call them with 'Dek'. -______-")
I wanted to go to Jogja, because I wanted to meet Alya there, so we could shop together at Malioboro! ^w^
Gila. Kita kan mau ketemuan di Keraton, eeeeeeeeeeh, malah ujan! Udah gitu, gue di Keraton bagian mana, dia di Keraton bagian mana, ujan-ujan gue sepayung bertiga sama sepupu-sepupu gue berjuang ke tempat Alya berteduh.
Nying, perjuangan abis. Pokoknya skip skip skip, akhirnya kita nyampe di Malioboro. Ujan udah mulai reda. Dikit. Dan kita memulai perjuangan yang selanjutnya:
Nyelak lautan manusia yang errrrmm, ha, ha, ha. Terus berusaha nyari barang-barang bagus, dan nawar semurah mungkin.
Gue beli tas anyaman buat gue, tas LADS custom made, gantungan kunci bentuk kuping manusia, oleh-oleh buat Nabila (no spoiling, in case she read this post before I gave it to her. :p)
Si Alya nawarnya sadis, untung ada dia, kalo ga, mungkin gue ga bisa dapet barang-barang itu dengan harga murah!
Dia beli sendal Joker (mungkin tiruannya Joger, I dunno.), gantungan kunci kuping juga, tas LADS juga (yaiyalah!). Trus biar ga ribet, kita nyebrang ke Malioboro Mall, dan makan di Texas Chicken.
Pas pulang, Alya nunggu BoNyoknya sambil ngambil tas LADS yang tadi masih belom selese dibikin. Dan gue pulang sama sepupu-sepupu gue.
Di perjalanan, kan rada macet gitu, trus tiba-tiba ada bencong nyamperin sisi mobil kita, Danang yang notabene lagi nyetir jadi kaget! Wakakakaka, kita bertiga ngakak! Trus pas diliat lagi, ternyata ada beberapa bencong yang baru mau mulai beroperasi, dan ada satu bencong yang bikin kita makin ngakak. Yaitu seorang bencong berkebaya & kerudung, plus pake kain. Gile, edisi Lebaran kali yak! Wakakaakakakka!

The next day, we (me, Mama, Papa & Mas Bayu) went to Magelang. We visited Papa's friend, Om Nardi & his family. After that, we all (with Om Nardi's family as well) had some dinner at Jimbaran. Well, it's not the real Jimbaran like the one in Bali or wherever, just happens to have the same name.

Finally, on Wednesday, we went home to Jakarta! We departed at sometime noon, we stopped by at some batik shop, because Mas Bayu wanted to buy some batik shirts and stuff like that. We arrived at home precisely at 8.45 in the morning.
Phew, we were all tired, sleepy, stiffed, and everything else. After we unpacked some of our things, we ate with the chickens Papa bought at Pasar Gede the day before. (Yeah, they're still good, how awesome is that? LOL!)
And the rest, is history. (Just because I'm too lazy to explain all the other things, okay?)

And now, I'm stressed out. Because all of my home-fuckin'-works and tasks and tests that are still waiting. Waiting for me to have them, and then die. After the autopsy, they will find out that my COD is caused by a seriously fatal cerebral hemorrhage. (Sorry, CSI-freak mode: ON)

Gotta get some new tissues to wipe some blood that's dripping from my ears.