vendredi 27 février 2009

A, Kacoo..

Udah lama lagi nih, baru ngepost!

Masa' ya, tadi kan ada ulangan TIK, nah, tepat pas Bu Rofi masuk, trus nyuruh kita buat belajar dulu sebentar, gue langsung sakit perut entah kenapa & bagaimana.. MySpace
Tapi, yang namanya mau ulangan, masa' gue minta izin ke kamar mandi pas udah mepet gitu, yaudah gue tahan aja. Eh, makin jadi lho! Sumpah, langsung keringet dingin gitu.. Mana pas ulangna gue ga konsen lagi, wah, udah deh, pasti dapet jelek.
Well, pas itu sih gue udah ga mikirin nilai lagi, yang penting, gimana caranya biar gue ga mules lagi, biar gue ga perlu ke toilet, sebodo amat kalo pun gue nahan-nahan gitu ga bagus buat perut! Mau nanti malem gue guling-guling kek, besok ga ke sekolah gara-gara masuk rumah sakit kek (Dalam saat-saat tertentu, pikiran gue emang bisa mikir sampe jauuuh banget, sampe ke hal-hal yang sebenernya ga mungkin terjadi, tapi tetep gue pertimbangkan bakal terjadi..), BOLEH! Asal jangan pas sekarang, pas masih ulangan, di tengah kelas!

Yaudah gue ngelirik Sterya aja mulu, terus jawab essay nomor 25 ngasal kaco banget! Gue udah ngelirik-lirik anak-anak laen, kenapa ga ada yang mau maju??!! Padahal gue yakin banget beberapa udah pada selese (Kebiasaan kita-kita sekelas sih..). Yaudah dengan segala kenekatan diri & tentunya kemulesan, gue maju aja ke depan! Abis ngumpulin ulangan, langsung minta izin sama Bu Rofi ke toilet, eeh, dia ngebolehin, tapi terus bilangin kita kalo yang udah selese, keluar, tapi jangan jajan dulu. Doooh, udah ga tahan nih!! Anjrit abis! Yaudah abis dia selese ngomong gue langsung ngacir ke toilet!!!

Pas gue balik, udah banyak yang pada selese trus nunggu diluar, gue udah lemes, jadi kalem gue...
Gokilnya, masa' Tamara bilang gue keren, maju pertama, maju pertama pala lo! Gara-gara sakit perut emergency tauuuuu!!! Ahuahahahahaahhahhahahaha!!!!!MySpace

Ah, udah ah, males, udah jam berapa ini, lagian gue udah ga bisa mikir lagi, abis bingung ngerjain Note di FB..

Friday, February 27, 2009 03:08

mercredi 11 février 2009

Dapet Awards..

Huh! Ga tau seneng apa kesel gue.. Si Difa, ngasih awards, tapi dia menulis nama gue dengan sebutan sialan yang menyebalkan. Gue ga tau tu anak mikir dari mana, yang pasti kesel banget!!! Dasar sial, bego tolol!

These are the awards,

Ada satu lagi sih, yang Semangat Ngeblog, cuman kok gue ga bisa masukin gambarnya ya? Ah, well, whatever...

Apa lagi ya?
Oh iya, gue dong baru aja pulang jam 7 tadi, abisnya mobil Mas Arief radiatornya kenapa gitu, jadi Pak Yoyon harus berhenti buat ngedinginin mesin mobil & nambahin air radiator gitu deh...
Aargh, BT abis... Mana laper lagi gue, tapi sekarang ga tau mau makan apa & gue juga males turun ke bawah ngambil makan...

Wednesday, February 11, 2009 19:30

mardi 10 février 2009

Bumi Gonjang Ganjing!

Gila lo!!!
Masa' ya, kan tadi ulangan MaTai dibagiin, nah, guess what???

Sumpah untung banget gue liat Sterya, kalo ga, gue bisa mati lagi, dapet 19 lagi! Gue tuh ya, 96% liat doi semua, cuy!!! Yang 2% itu tulisan gue (yaiyalah, kan itu ulangan gue) & 2% lagi hitung-hitungan kayak penambahan ato kali-kalian yang gampang & bisa gue jawab sendiri... Bwakakakaka!!! Ih, gila ih, gue bener-bener yang makasih bertriliun-triliun banget sama Sterya!!!

Eh, tapi, masa' lagi ya, kata Fadly, si Deady curiga gitu sama gue, abis dari yang nilainya ga pernah diatas 5, sekarang tiba-tiba aja dapet 90!!! Jeng jeng gitu!!!
Ah, tapi sebodo deh, Fadly doang dipercaya! Lagian, kalopun gue beneran dicurigain, so what? Apa peduli gue sama omongan Deady?

Yang penting dapet nilaaaiii!!! Dapet 70 aja sebenernya gue udah girang, apalagi ini 90! SUMPAH MAKASIH BANGET-BANGET-BANGET-BANGET-BANGETAN SAMA STERYA!!!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009 20:00

New Template!

Ooh, I'm so happy-happy-joy-joy!!!
I've finally change my blog template by myself!!!
Changing it and learn how to deal with those XMLs turns out to be not so difficult!!!

Well, awalnya gue pingin minta tolong Xenia lagi, buat ngerubah template blog lagi (Hehe, peace, Xen, kan lo yang paling jago...), tapi, tapi, tapi, tapiii, si doi kaga nongol-nongol di MSN...
Yaudah, bermodalkan blog kedua yang cuman buat kelinci percobaan, rasa deg-degan, nekat & penasaran, gue mencoba mengubah template di blog kedua itu!!!
Ternyata, berhasil, saudara-saudara!!!!! Hwahahahaha!!!
Abis itu, lanjut deh, gue lakuin hal yang sama ke template blog yang ini... Hasilnya???
Liat sendiri dong, keren abis geneee!!!

Ah, udah ah, udah jam berapa neeh??? Kurang lebih 11 jam lagi, gue bakal tau nilai ulangan MaTai yang kemaren itu, hoho!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009 01:55

vendredi 6 février 2009

Such A Weird Post!

Duh, it's been a long time since i wrote my last post. Almost 2 weeks, eh?
Well, now, i don't know what to say...
Am I happy? No, thanks.
Sad? Not really.
Stress? Errr, maybe. Maybe that's what I feel right now.

Okay, now, focus, Lu, focus.

You know that news reading contest? The one that I mentioned in my older post? Well, I've won it, and the next Sunday, I continued to the semi final round.
Uurgh, my opponents were looked like friggin smarter than me, and they wore those blazers, that surely makes them looked waaay professional and all ready, while I looked so dumb! I only wore my batik uniform, man!
I was sooo fuckin' nervous about it, because I was the seventh contestant!
"This is absolutely not my lucky day! This is my final stop.", that's the "sacred sentence" I always repeated in my mind.
I know that we should think positively, but I don't really agree with that belief. The reason is because, when people think positively, and then having a "bitter pill" result, most of them will grieve over it deeper than people who had think inversely. People who think not-so-positively won't have an anguish if they gets "the bitter pill", plus, when they gets a delightful result, the happiness would be the same as the positive-thinker's happiness if they gets a pleasant result too. Well, that's my opinion..

Back to the future! The result is, well, you can call me an oracle now, for having that "I will definitely lose this time!" thought became true, because I didn't win.

Frankly, I don't really mind if I was defeated by some well-english-speaking students, but all of my rivals were actually weird, weird and weird! The girls, were like so weird, ugly (Oops! No hard feelings!), and so lame, while the boys, SO SISSY, SISTER!!! There's a boy, he had this moustache, but still, he read the news like a girl, no, hermaphrodite! Hwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!

Well, I'm not going to cried over spilt milk. Moreover, I think I'll just have to be grateful about it, cause this is enough, I'm too tired for doing all of those practices, or to restrain my madness & panicity, it's just too hard... Maybe not that hard, but for now, I just wanna get some rest, cool down a little bit.. I've already live my school life distressfully, and the only thing that could set my mind at rest is home. I won't waste that pleasure. Live your life to the fullest!

Umm, enough for that overly-emotional paragraphs, let's continue to the wild side of the island!!!!!

Today, or I can say, yesterday (looking at the time, hoho!), I had this stupid shit math test. Urgh! It was so hard! But, me and my friends were cheating on it. Haha, yay for us!!!
I was like aaalways looking at my friend's answers, and she was like borrowing my phone to use the calculator (because her phone is PDA, and it's kinda hard to open the calculator quickly...) under the table every time that seriously-cruel-evil teacher turn his face away and pay no attention to us.

That seriously-cruel-evil teacher, or we can call by his name, Mr. Deady, said that he will count to 10 (or 5? Well, I am a forgetful person, haha!), and then we have to collect all the tests to him.

Oh my God, what the fuck??! The bell hasn't ring yet, you mangy oldster!
Therefore, we have to copy each others' tests as quick as we can! Thank God, we did it perfectly without being found out! Yay again!!!

Hmm, enough for today, look at the time! It's not like I'm tired now and after turn this computer off i'll go to bed straight away, I'm just too lazy to continue on this. Ah, you know what I mean...
Well, I guess I'm off now!

Saturday, February 7, 2009 3:10