vendredi 29 octobre 2010

Pizza or Pasta? Both!


Tadi sore asik deh!
Abis pemilihan Ketua & Wakil Ketua Angkatan (yang durasinya lama bangaaaat astaganagabonar. -__________-"), gue, April, Indra, dan Radit makan di Pizza Hut!
Mestinya Nabila ikut juga, tapi dia ada pengambilan nilai Bulu Tangkis, jadinya ga bisa ikut deh.. :(

Kita nyampe sana hampir jam 6 sore gitu deh, padahal si Radit ada EF jam 6 lewat 10 katanya.
Gue, April & Indra langsung menghasut dia, "Udah deeeeh, EF doang, telat sekut kaleeee!"
MUHAHAHAHAHA! *evil laugh*

Pas mesen, kita udah laper mata gitu kan, rasanya semua pingin dipesen, hahaha! Eh, giliran pas makan, kita kenyang banget, padahal belom mesen dessert! Ah, ga asik nih perut-perut kita!
Gue pesen 3-Mushroom Creamy Fettuccine, Indra pesen Oriental Chicken Spaghetti, dan Radit pesen Beef Fettuccine, trus yang buat bareng, kita pesen Garlicheese Bread, American Favourite yang Cheesy Bites & Lipton Ice Tea yang 1 pitcher.
Tapi si April, yang katanya lagi diet (yaelah, Pril, yang ada tuh lo mestinya bukan diet, tapi justru banyakin minum susu! Ayo dong, biar 180 cm! I Seriously envy your height, dahling!), karena dia mesennya Banana Split, jadinya dia makan dessert duluan deh! Pas pizza-nya dateng, dia cuman makan satu potong doang, dan sebelumnya cuman makan satu potong Garlicheese Bread. Dasar aneh, giliran jajan di sekolah, dua kali istirahat jajaaaaaaaan terus! :p

Begitu udah mau selese, ternyata yang lain udah pada mau abis gitu makanannya, sementara fettuccine gue baru gue makan 5 suap! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrggghhhh, akhirnya gue minta tolong waitress-nya untuk bungkusin itu fettuccine..

Sumpah, kita semua tuh kenyang banget, sampe Radit aja narik nafas-buang nafas kayak orang mau melahirkan! Kita bertiga ngakak gila-gilaan! Belom lagi si Indra. Yah, biasa dong, kalo sintingnya keluar, bikin satu meja serasa pingin guling-guling!

Pas akhir-akhir, kita kan pada foto-foto gitu, tapi rada cacat, karena yang moto gue.. (Susah, cuy! Namanya bukan orang narsis yang jago ngambil angle di segala macem situasi..) Pingin minta tolong sama waitress-nya, tapi ga enak, wakakak! Giliran waitress-nya ga ada, kita manggil-manggil dengan lirih gitu! Konyol parah, bwahahahahaha!

Akhirnya setelah minta bill, kita memberanikan diri (apacoba..) untuk minta tolong waitress-nya motoin kita deh!

Here are the proofs of our foolishness:

And we spent:

Kapan-kapan makan bareng lagi ya, guys! Dan semoga lain kali bisa lebih rame lagi!

mardi 19 octobre 2010

Two Words: Blah-Shiiiiiiiiiits!

Just a short post, 'kay?

Some of my results in Mid-Term Tests are kind of weird.
Because in some of the subjects where I thought I could get an average score, it turned out to be below the average!
On the contrary, in Mathematics, I got 8,26 for the multiple choices!!!
8,26 IN MATH??? ME?????

Even Alya & Ipeh were speechless when I told them that.

Here are some of the results that I already got:
  • Civics: 8,22 (THANK YOU, GOD!)
  • Chemistry: 7,75 (Damn. I was pretty confident when I did the test, why did the result turned out to be like this? -____________-")
  • Geography: 6,50 (Nyeh. Blame the lame dame.)
  • ICT: 6,33 (Gah!)
  • Math: 8,26 (This should be listed as one of the Wonders of the World, right?!)
  • Biology: 7,something (Urgh. I don't like bacterias & viruses.)
  • Indonesian: 6,50 (It was entirely the fault of one of the Dames of 81 who announced the total time of the test when there were only 20 or 30 minutes left!)
  • Sociology: 7,75 (That's the result when we examined it manually, and my teacher said that only those who got below 7,50 will have to do some remedial. I don't know about the result from scanner, though..)
And the rest, is still a mystery.
I'll post it when I get it.

Oh, and by the way, I was right. I wasn't selected to be one of the representatives for the English Debate Competition in Gandhi Ancol.
Ah, well, schucks for me, right?

vendredi 8 octobre 2010

Dizzy Practice

Besok kan ga ada English Debate, maksudnya biar kita pada persiapan buat Mid. Semester Senin depan, jadi E.D. dipercepat. TADI ABIS PULANG SEKOLAH.

Gileeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, gue kira cuman absen sama pengumuman apalah doang, taunya ditanya, siapa yang mau ikut lomba di Gandhi Ancol (I have no idea where that school/place is.. -___-").
Gue angkat tangan aja, secara, yah, gue pingin nyoba gimanaaaaa gitu, abisnya gue ngiri sama Radit & Indra yang udah pernah ikut lomba di Binus E-Comp.
Gue kira cuman bakal didata doang, terus seleksi dan sebagainya masih nanti-nanti. Taunya, tadi, jebret, langsung nyoba debat! Yah, emang sih, cuman latihan doang, tapi kan tetep aja! That was my FRIGGIN' first time EVER to debate! All I ever do in E.D. was listening to what our seniors have to say, and that's it! I'VE NEVER TRIED TO DEBATE BEFORE! IN MY WHOLE LIFE!
And what was the role that I got this time?
I didn't know anything about debating! I completely forgot about the presentation that once had been done (at the first session of E.D. a long long time ago).
I panicked.
And the motion was taking me down lower than ever.

The motion was:

This House Would Support Capital Punishment for Corruptor


Gue ga ngerti sama sekali kalo udah deket-deket tema begituan!

Setelah diundi, gue satu tim sama Disa & Bella, sementara lawan kita Devina, Radit & Indra!
Anjeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrr, dewa-dewa E.D. ada di tim lawan! Faaaaaark!
Mana case-building cuman 15 menit, dan awalnya gue kira itu 30 menit!
Pas Kak Mita bilang, "10 minutes left!", gue baru nulis 3 kalimat di buku Disney. Dan gue langsung ceming sesaat.
HAH? Perasaan baru bentar deh! Paling cuman 5 menit!
Berarti case-building ini cuman 15 menit! Graaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!

Pas giliran gue maju, yaitu paling pertama (WAAAAAAAAAAAARRRGHH!!), gue bener-bener ngerasa kacau, persiapan gue belom matang, dan gue berakhir dengan cuman berbicara di depan selama 2 menit 15 detik.
Apa yang gue omongin bener-bener ga spesifik, ga jelas, dan kurang pengembangan (BANGET). Yaiyalah, udah ga boleh browsing lewat handphone, motion-nya juga ga menarik sama sekali, gue juga ga ngikutin perkembangan yang ada hubungannya sama pemerintah-pemerintahan gitu, jadilah gue cuman ngomong apa tau ga jelas, pokoknya ancur banget deh!
Disa aja bisa ngomong lebih dari 3 menit, sementara Bella lebih dari 7 menit! Pas nge-reply juga Disa bagus, nah gue???!! Udah jadi pemimpin tim lah, istilahnya, tapi malah paling sebentar ngomong, paling gugup, paling sedikit materi yang dibawainnya, pokoknya ancur parah deh!

In the end of debate, me & Disa got some critics, while Bella was praised. I wasn't jealous of her, in fact, I thanked her because she made our team looked better.
I knew, my weaknesses are my points & arguments. I should've explained more about what my team supported on, I should've elaborated my arguments, and many other things.
There are some good points that me & Disa brought, though. But we didn't explicate them more. But Bella completed those arguments in some seriously awesome ways. Her vocabulary is ah-ma-zing! She ended up being the Best Speaker. Congraaaats!

Oh, and the winner was...
Ah, Whatever.

Moreover, I don't give a damn about it anymore.
Because I'm pretty sure that I won't be selected to join that Gandhi competition in this November.


When the debate was over, it was still raining cats and dogs. So I waited in the lobby, with some of my friends. But one by one, they all would be picked up, or went through the rain out of desperation.
But Radit was still there, talking with Kak Ruth about the debate and I was like, "hmm, I guess I'll consult to Kak Ruth too, I was a shit back then. How am I going to be better if I just stand here and do nothing?" So I decided to approach them.
Fast forward, and this time she was talking to me. Oh my, she was so awesome! The way she explained to me about my mistakes, and what I should've done as a First Speaker, it was terrific! She gave some examples so vividly, and she told me & Radit some of her experiences in debating.
Gaaaaaaaaaawd, how am I going to be as cool & brilliant as Kak Ruth???!!
When will I be as amazing as her???!!
Never, I guess.


vendredi 1 octobre 2010


Gawd, I want this Infinity necklace soooooooooo fuckin' bad!!!!!
But, come on, look at the price! It costs as much as $95! Well, I can always use some of my savings, but but but... :|
Not to mention that stupid announcement, "SHIPS IN 2-4 WEEKS."
I definitely can't wait that long!
*crying out loud*

Anyone care enough to buy me that?
I promise, I'll wish for you to be the happiest and the most prosperous person in the whole universe!