mercredi 5 novembre 2008

Anggun : Snow On the Sahara

Title : Snow On the Sahara
Artist : Anggun C. Sasmi
Album : Snow On the Sahara
Rating : ☆☆☆☆☆

Only tell me that you still want me here

When you wander off out there

To those hills of dust and hard winds that blow

In that dry white ocean alone

Lost out in the desert, you are lost out in the desert

But to stand with you in a ring of fire

I'll forget the days gone by

I'll protect your body and guard your soul

From mirages in your sight

Lost out in the desert

If your hopes scatter like

The dust across your track

I'll be the moon that shines on your path

The sun may blind our eyes

I'll pray the skies above

For snow to fall on the Sahara

If that's the only place

Where you can leave your doubts

I'll hold you up and be your way out

And if we burn away

I'll pray the skies above

For snow to fall on the Sahara

Just a wish and I will cover your shoulders

With veils of silk and gold

When the shadows come and darken your heart

Leaving you with regrets, so cold

Lost out in the desert

If your hopes scatter like

The dust across your track

I'll be the moon that shines on your path

The sun may blind our eyes

I'll pray the skies above

For snow to fall on the Sahara

If that's the only place

Where you can leave your doubts

I'll hold you up and be your way out

And if we burn away

I'll pray the skies above

For snow to fall on the Sahara

For snow to fall on the Sahara


My Review:
Sumpah keren banget!!!!! Musiknya tuh unik banget!!! Suaranya Anggun juga absolutely amazing!!!
Biarpun ini lagu udah agak lama (Yang french version tahun 1997, yang english version tahun 1998), tapi tetep aja keren banget!!! Dari semua lagu-lagu Anggun yang gue punya di handphone gue, gue lagi sukaaa... banget sama "Snow On the Sahara" ini!!!!!
Yang gue paling suka dari Anggun ini adalah, selain suaranya yang, once again, amazing, bahwa dia satu-satunya entertainer Indonesia yang bener-bener bisa go international, menerobos pasar dunia, tapi tetep membumi & ga nyombong ato gimana!!!
Ga kayak beberapa entertainer Indonesia lain yang menggembar-gemborkan keinginannya buat go international, tapi sampe detik ini hasilnya 0!!!!!
Kalo Anggun, udah dia sendiri emang punya bakat & potensi, dia juga ga gampang nyerah, yang hasilnya? Ngangkat derajat Indonesia di mata dunia, ngebanggain negara, pokoknya ga mengecewakan deh!!! Sumpah gue salut banget sama Anggun!!!

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